Friday, March 7, 2008

Other People's Stories

The pleasure of other people’s stories is something I am learning in a whole new way. Here is one…

Sailing with us is Evelyn Hannon, a ‘life-long learner,’ as they are called on the ship. Evelyn is the founder of, a wonderful travel resource for women.

After her divorce in her early 40’s, she bought a backpack and took a trip to Europe for five weeks; it was a ‘do or die’ experience for her because she was afraid that she could not manage it. Needless to say, she managed, and then she wanted to help other women manage travel… Journeywoman took off, way off! It was not what Evelyn expected, that everyone would get interested in what she was doing as a smallish project. Time Magazine named her as one of the ‘innovative thinkers’ of the 20th century, and she told me this story about it….

Evelyn arrived home to a full answering machine one day, and in the process of dealing with her jammed message system, she figured out that she had been selected as one of Time’s innovative thinkers for the millennial issue. She had had a brief phone interview and knew that there was some interest in her project, but she did not know that she was a finalist, much less a selection. She went to the local market to buy a copy of the magazine, got in the checkout line, found her page. She was so excited and wanted to share, but she didn’t want to brag, so she said to the guy ahead of her in line, “Would you look at this! She looks just like me!” And the guy responded, “Wow, that’s evil! She does look just like you.” Check it out!

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