Saturday, March 8, 2008

Fraud Happens...

Yesterday was banking business day for me (also the Sea Olympics on the Ship), so I sat down for a long and patient session of slow internet service. When I attempted to get my visa card statement, I got a message that I was locked out due to my number of failed attempts to log in. But I had not attempted to log in! So, I took my last Ship calling card and used it to call fraud protection. Indeed, there were multiple thousand dollar charges that the bank had not honored, and my account was closed. Since I traveled with only one credit card, I shall be without for the duration. Since this episode results in no loss to me, other than loss of potential to spend more than I actually have, I am not suffering even a little bit over it, though I do feel 'awakened.' In India I plan to travel with water, sani-wipes, and my begging bowl, all in Diane's backpack, which has already been on a safari.

Another relatively newer tactic in the world of traveler theft is to attach cameras or copying devices (which travelers often take to be security equipment!) to ATM machines, so that, after you leave with your 200, they leave with whatever is yet in the account.

I know I have some readers, other than Elizabeth (hi,mom!) and you all are invited to comment if you like.

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